The Erawan Waterfall, Kanchanaburi

 Une bien belle promenade en forêt

Leaving Kanchanaburi, we take advantage of the beauty of the landscapes to go to the great Erawan waterfall about 70km away.

A really pleasant road, without traffic: a real pleasure.

We reach Erawan National Park after a short hour by car.

Large car parks are located nearby, everything is remarkably well done, then, it only takes a few minutes on foot across the forest to find yourself in a small paradise.

And then... the first stunt, then a second, then a third.....

 Picniquer au bord de la rivière et nager au milieu des poissons..

An ideal place to picnic, the locals have understood this for a long time and do not deprive themselves of such a pleasure. The children jump into the water, let themselves slide between the rocks, while the parents prepare the snack...
A pleasant, calm atmosphere in a fantastic setting...
What happiness!
kanchanaburi erawan

We continue on the way back, seeing some strange animals in the process
The forest is full of crawling animals, insects and birds...
probably snakes too, but these must be further away.... 

 Forced to regulate clothing!

It is now prohibited to wear a two-piece bathing suit in Erawan National Park in the name of respect for Thai culture, but also for health reasons.

Erawan National Park, 55 km north of the city of Kanchanaburi, on the border with Burma, is considered one of Thailand's most beautiful natural areas. Its main attraction is a waterfall with seven bounces. The last waterfall reminds us of the portrait of Erawan, who in Hindu mythology is a white elephant with 3 heads. A 3-hour walking tour (round trip) allows you to admire the many waterfalls and swim in natural pools.

This is probably why tourists like to walk around in bathing suits on the trail. Since the beginning of October, this is no longer possible. The TTR Weekly site reports that the Thai National Parks Department now prohibits female visitors from walking around the site in bikinis. Reason given: this too light clothing offends the local culture, in a place, moreover, very frequented by monks and children. Men are also asked to wear long clothes. A sanitary reason is also mentioned: as heavenly as it is, the park is full of insects that can sting skins. It is therefore better to protect yourself from it.

In an interview with TTR Weekly, the park manager went even further. For him, foreign women walking around in two-piece jerseys is a form of "sexual harassment". Erawan Park is visited on average each year by 400,000 tourists, including 150,000 foreigners, mainly of Russian nationality.

My Comment:

Having been there a short while ago, and therefore knowing the place, I think you have to be a little crazy to walk around in such a tropical forest in a bikini.
Some people really lack education, respect, logic and taste... after that, it's surprising that there are regulations in all public places!

Other Cascade in the area:
Sai York Yai

 On the Map